Archive for the ‘News and Views’ Category

Honoring the sacrifices of D-Day veterans

Today – June 6, 2024 – is the 80th anniversary of D-Day – the Allied landing in Europe to liberate the continent from Hitler and Nazism. Every June 6, I pause to think about those who fought and the many who died on the beaches of Normandy and during the campaign that followed, and I always experience […]

Don’t let the CCPA stop your startup goldrush – a primer on privacy in California

The behemoth General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) governs the European Economic Area*. By contrast, no federal privacy regulation applies across all U.S. states. A company must comply with regulations of the states in which it does business. As a practical matter, compliance is geared towards the state with the most stringent regulations. Effective January 1, […]

Now THIS is interesting…

I was browsing — okay, I admit it, I was on Twitter — and came across an ad for a new, privacy-respecting web browser called Brave. Intrigued, I went to look at it. It’s based on Chromium (Google’s open-source code behind the Chrome browser) but has a whole different (better) approach to privacy. Interestingly, it […]

Everyone (in and out of tech) should be listening to Kara Swisher

There’s so much great content being created today. It’s virtually impossible to keep up with the high quality “television” shows being broadcast and streamed. (Still, do yourself a favor and watch Orange is the New Black and Chernobyl at minimum.) It’s pretty much the same with podcasts. Fortunately, I have a reasonable amount of commuting, […]

The surveillance state has arrived

I have been interested in computers and technology since junior high school, when my school acquired its first computer – a lonely RadioShack TRS-80, housed up in the library. Because I was a strong math student, I was selected as one of two kids from each class to visit with the computer a couple of […]

Can WeWork survive? Should it?

It’s striking to me how the media hypes certain companies to ridiculous heights with fawning, uncritical coverage, only to join in the feeding frenzy of negativity when the same companies inevitably encounter problems. In that respect, I suppose, the media plays a central role in the tech-era bubbles that we’ve lived through over the past […]

The high costs of “free” Services

I have written recently about my increasing concerns about the practices of the internet monopolies – Google (including its YouTube service) and Facebook especially – as I have done more reading of works by prominent critics such as Roger McNamee and Tristan Harris, and seen the real-world effects of these platforms, which are terrifying across […]

Time to reign in the Internet-era robber barons

I have recently been listening to the tech investor Roger McNamee (most recently of Elevation Partners) on radio interviews and podcasts publicizing his new book, “Zucked,” in which he chronicles the evolution of Facebook, and which he argues, along with Internet and mobile giants Google and Instagram, threaten the integrity of our democracy and are […]

Congratulations, ItemMaster

Considering the long odds facing startups, it is always very exciting when a current or former goodcounsel client achieves a successful exit. Yesterday, the world learned that ItemMaster, which developed a platform that enables brands to create and manage content for distribution to retailers, was acquired by Gladson. goodcounsel is proud to have played a […]