Archive for the ‘Artificial intelligence and the practice of law’ Category

ChatGPT on retAIner: goodcounsel packs AI in the legal briefcase

A year or so ago, amidst the initial frenzy of excitement about artificial intelligence (or more specifically, about the “large language models” or “LLMs,” which enabled non-programmers to interact with AI using natural language), I mused on our blog about whether our clients should fire us and hire ChatGPT instead. (Short answer – not yet.) […]

Using artificial intelligence intelligently

In my previous post about AI (specifically, AI large language models or “LLMs”) and its impact on the legal profession, I concluded that the current versions of LLMs would not replace lawyers but could serve as very able assistants. As our friends at Clausebase put it in a recent webinar: AI can take over a […]